Jamb Reprint 2022 Enabled – Check here to See How to Reprint your JAMB Slip

Jamb Reprint 2022 is set to commence, the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has set to commence the reprinting of the JAMB UTME Examination Slip and it has unveiled its portal for the reprint.

The only official website to reprint is https://portal.jamb.gov.ng/examslipprinting/printexaminationslip

Meanwhile, at the time of writing this content, the JAMB UTME Portal for reprinting slip is available but yet enabled to reprint the UTME Examination Slip for the 2022 UTME Exams. The UTME Examination Slip contains your basic information and details regarding your examination, this includes details such as your Examination center, Venue, Date, and time for your examination.

It is also important to adhere strictly to the protocols and rules guiding the conduct of the UTME Examination in other not to be bounced back or not allowed to write the Exams. Meanwhile, on the issue of reprinting the JAMB UTME Examination Slip, we are aware that the portal is currently showing “Examination Slip Printing Not Allowed”. Please do not panic as this is a general problem



What is JAMB UTME Registration Slip?

The JAMB UTME Registration Slip is the printout given to you immediately after successful registration of the JAMBT UTME Examination. This slip contains the candidate’s biodata and choice of schools selected for a higher degree, National Diploma, or Innovative National Diploma.

What is the JAMB Reprint 2022 Slip?

The JAMB reprint also known as JAMB UTME Examination Slip, is a slip given to JAMB Candidates 7 days before the commencement of the UTME examination. This slip contains the User’s biodata, registration number, examination center, venue, date, and time.

When is JAMB reprinting Starting for 2022

JAMB reprinting is starting on Saturday, 30th April 2022. All candidates are expected to log in to their dashboard to reprint their slips that contain their JAMB Examination center, date, and time.

Is JAMB reprint slip out

Yes, the Jamb reprint slip is out! Candidates should proceed to the official jamb website to print their slips as soon as the portal is enabled for reprinting.

Examination Slip Printing Not Allowed

JAMB Reprint 2022 is showing Examination Slip Printing Not allowed? Yes, you may likely see this message if you are just attempting it, as at the time of writing this post. the JAMB Reprint 2022 has not yet started and hence, calls for this message.

How to Reprint JAMB UTME Slip 2022?

You will have to follow the guide below to reprint your JAMB UTME Examination Slip

  • Go to https://portal.jamb.gov.ng/
  • Insert your email address
  • Enter Enter your password
  • Click Log in
  • Locate “Print Slip”
  • Enter your UTME Registration Number and Click Print


Can I Reprint JAMB Slip in a Cyber Cafe?

Yes, you can reprint your JAMB UTME Slip in a Cyber Cafe, kindly walk into any cyber cafe close to you and request that you want carryout JAMB reprint 2022, and the attendant will print out your slip with your provided details.

Can I Reprint JAMB Slip in a JAMB CBT Center?

Yes, you can reprint your JAMB UTME Examination slip in the JAMB Accredited CBT center, all you have to do is to provide the correct information and the JAMB slip will be provided for you.

Important Information to all JAMB UTME Candidates 2022

  • Kindly take note of your JAMB Reprint 2022 and ensure you go along with it
  • Do not pay more than N200 in a cybercafe or jamb accredited center nationwide
  • Your JAMB UTME Examination slip contains your exam center, date, venue, and time, do not mistake it with another.
  • On the day of your examination, ensure you arrive at your center early
  • Don’t go to your exam center with a calculator, smartwatches, or phones.
  • Kindly adhere strictly to the rules and regulations guiding the examination
  • Your Result will be released in batches starting two days after the commencement of the JAMB UTME Examination.

We would be glad to answer any questions, kindly use the comment box below to reach us and we would be glad to reply within a few minutes. If this article JAMB reprint 2022 is interesting, we would be glad if you help us share it, as many others will be looking for this important information.


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